Please keep in mind that a WIA benefit reassessment can affect the level of your WIA benefit. It could stay the same, or it could increase or decrease. A WIA benefit reassessment can also affect your ability to work and your return-to-work process ('re-integratie').
To apply, log in to Mijn UWV and complete the WIA benefit reassessment application form. You will need a DigiD account or an electronic ID (eID) to do this.
The form asks you questions about your medical and work situation. This concerns information that we do not have from you yet.
Please note: All your medical information is confidential (‘medisch geheim’). These details will be stored in your medical file, and only our health professionals will be allowed to access this information.
If you have received written medical information about your health condition from your family doctor ('huisarts') or specialist, please send us a copy. You can upload the document as an attachment with this form.
Once we have received your request, our UWV physician and occupational disability employment counsellor (‘arbeidsdeskundige’) will compare the information in your application with the information we already have. We will call you within 5 working days to let you know whether a WIA benefit reassessment will be required.
If a reassessment is needed, we will invite you to an appointment to discuss your health and your ability to work. Sometimes an appointment may not be necessary if we have enough information from the documents you have provided.
After we have carefully evaluated your situation, you will receive our decision by letter.
Do not apply for a WIA benefit reassessment if any of the following situations apply to you:
- You have applied for a WIA benefit, but a decision has not yet been made. You need to wait until you receive a decision by letter.
- You have filed an objection (‘bezwaar gemaakt’) against a WIA benefit decision. The objection process must be resolved first before you apply for a reassessment.
- You will not be providing any new information about your health condition.
- You have experienced changes in your health that will have little effect on your ability to work.