To apply, log onto Mijn UWV using your DigiD account. Once you are logged on you will see a tile for the additional partner’s leave benefit (‘uitkering aanvullend geboorteverlof’). Click on apply (‘aanvragen').

Wait until the baby is born before applying for additional partner’s leave. You can apply as early as 4 weeks before the additional leave starts. Do not apply any later than 4 weeks after the last day of paid leave.

  • the child’s date of birth
  • the amount of leave you wish to take (the minimum is 1 week, the maximum is 5 weeks)
  • the date on which you would like your leave to start (the earliest date being 1 week after the standard leave began)
  • the average number of hours you work per week
  • your bank account number

Please note: You will need to provide a copy of your employment contact in order for us to process your application. If your contract does not state the amount of hours you work per week, you will need to submit documents with this information. Please wait for a letter explaining how you can submit the documents to us.

You will receive a decision within 4 weeks of us receiving your application.

The additional partner’s leave benefit is based on 70% of the national minimum wage (‘wettelijk minimuum loon’) for those who are 21 years and older. This amount will be based on the average number of hours you work per week and cannot be more than 40 hours.

For the weeks of leave that have already passed, we will pay the benefit in one go. After that the benefit will be paid weekly.