Once you qualify for a sickness benefit ('Ziektewet-uitkering'), you will receive it for a maximum of 2 years (104 weeks).

The sickness benefit is usually 70% of your average daily income (‘dagloon’). However, in the following situations it can be 100% of your average daily income:

  • If you fall ill before or immediately after your maternity leave ('zwangerschapsverlof') due to pregnancy or childbirth. 
  • If you fall ill due to donating an organ. 
  • If you need to undergo a patient assessment ('vooronderzoek') of more than half a day to find out if you are a suitable donor candidate.

If you start working, or increase the number of hours you work, the level of your sickness benefit will usually go down. However, your total income will increase, making it financially worthwhile for you to work.

If you are entitled to a sickness benefit, you will receive the first payment no later than 4 weeks after you report sick. 

If your contract expires and you have been ill for longer than 1 year, you will receive the first payment no later than 10 weeks after reporting sick. 

You will usually receive your sickness benefit payment once a week, for the previous week. If you were receiving an unemployment benefit and are now receiving a sickness benefit instead, you will receive the payment after the end of each calendar month, after you have reported your monthly income to us.

If you became ill while receiving an unemployment benefit, you will continue to receive your benefit for the next 13 weeks. During this time, you must continue to report your monthly earnings ('inkomstopgave') to us. You must also keep applying for jobs, doing everything you can to get back to work as soon as possible. 

If you are still ill after 13 weeks, you will most likely be entitled to a sickness benefit instead of an unemployment benefit. 

Once you have recovered, your sickness benefit will end. If you have not found work by then and have not reached the maximum length of your previous unemployment benefit, you can reapply for the unemployment benefit again.

  • Report sick no later than the 2nd day of illness. 
  • Report sick if you are abroad. 
  • Make sure you can be reached after reporting sick. 
  • Fill in our questionnaire
  • Make sure the information you give us is accurate (for example, your contact details or living situation). 
  • Inform us of a change in your circumstances within 1 week of that change occurring (for example, if your contact details change, your living situation changes or you move abroad). 
  • Report yourself better via Mijn UWV no later than the 2nd day after you have recovered, even if you are only going back to work part-time. 
  • Attend all appointments with us. 
  • Show a valid form of ID. 
  • Co-operate with any medical assessments we require. 
  • Work proactively on your recovery. 
  • Work proactively on the return-to-work process.
  • Find and keep suitable work. 
  • Inform us if you are working, or are receiving an income from work.
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