To submit your request, complete the request form (‘Aanvraag uitschrijving doelgroepregister’). You will need a DigiD account or an electronic ID (eiD) to do this.

After you have submitted your request, we will decide whether you should remain on the register or not. You might not be removed from the register in the following situations:

  • You are receiving support from the local council (‘de gemeente’) or UWV. 
  • Your employer is receiving financial support for employing you.
  • You have a job coach.
  • You are receiving a benefit from UWV.
  • You have received a recommendation for the Access to work register (‘WSW-indicatie’).
  • Your income is below the minimum wage.
  • You are unemployed.
You will receive our decision within 8 weeks of submitting your request to be removed.

We will always contact your employer before removing you from the Access to work register. Removing you from the register could affect your employer’s right to receive certain benefits. Your employer therefore has the right to object to your removal from the register.

We will also let your local council know that you have been removed from the register.