You only have to report your monthly earnings to us if we ask you to. We will let you know this in the letter we send you about our decision to pay you an advance (‘voorschot’) on your unpaid wages. This letter will also provide more information about which months we need you to report your earnings for. You can also find your decision letter in Mijn UWV.

To report your monthly earnings, complete the Report your monthly earnings on an insolvency benefit form (‘Inkomstenopgave bij betalingsonmacht werkgever’). You will need a DigiD account to do this. You can complete the form as of the first day of the next month. Be sure to fill in the form on time.

You can also tell us about any changes to your contact details or address using the ‘Comments and Extra Information’ (’Opmerkingen en aanvullingen’) section of the form.

Please note: You must complete this form even if you do not earn any money in a particular month.

Make sure you keep the following close to hand when completing the form:

  • information about the number of hours you have worked in the month
  • information about your income

Once you have reported your income for the month, we can determine how much insolvency benefit you should receive. You can expect the corresponding monthly payment within 14 days of us receiving your form. The payment specification will be visible in Mijn UWV.