To apply, log in to Mijn UWV. You will need a DigiD account or an electronic ID (eiD) to do this. Once you have logged in, access the form by going to ‘Aanvragen’ (‘Applications’) and then ‘’Zwangerschapsuitkering’ (‘Maternity pay).

If you provide housekeeping services for the elderly or people with disabilities (‘alfahulp’) or provide home help and are working less than 4 days a week, you will need to call us to apply for maternity pay.

  • your citizen service number
  • your income as specified on your income tax return
  • your working hours and whether you will be hiring a maternity leave replacement
  • your expected due date
  • your income protection coverage information

We might also need other documents from you and therefore recommend you do the following:

  • Save documents, such as contracts, that prove you worked for clients as a self-employed person. Keep these documents for up to 2 years after receiving maternity pay.
  • Get a maternity certificate (‘zwangerschapsverklaring’) from your doctor or midwife. Keep this certificate for at least 1 year after your maternity leave has ended, as we may ask for it at a later date.

We recommend applying for maternity pay 4 weeks before your maternity leave starts. Make sure you do this no later than 2 weeks before.

Do not apply for maternity pay any later than 1 year after your benefit was due to start. Otherwise, you will miss out on that part of your benefit that falls within the period that was more than a year ago.

Example: You applied for a ZEZ benefit on 1 September 2022 for the period covering 1 July to 21 October 2021. In this case, you would only receive a benefit for the period from 1 September to 21 October 2021.

You will usually receive a decision about your application within 2 weeks of you sending us the form. We will make sure you receive our decision no later than 8 weeks after your maternity leave starts.