To apply, complete the Application form for paid parental leave (‘Aanvragen uitkering betaald ouderschapsverlof’). You will need to log onto the employer portal with your EH3 level eHerkenning account to do this.

You will need the following information when completing the form:

  • the child’s date of birth
  • the date on which the paid parental leave began
  • the amount of paid leave your employee has taken

You will need to wait until your employee has taken at least 1 whole week of paid leave before applying. Do not apply any later than 1 year and 3 months after the first day of paid leave. Otherwise, you will not qualify for the full amount.

Keep in mind that you can only apply for the benefit in whole working weeks. For example, if your employee normally works 5 days a week and takes 1 day a week of paid parental leave, you will be able to apply for the benefit after 5 weeks. That is the equivalent of 1 working week of paid parental leave.

You will receive a decision about your application within 4 weeks of us having received your application.

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