If you think an individual is committing benefit fraud, complete the Report benefit fraud form (‘Melden uitkeringsfraude’).

You can use the comments section in the form to provide supporting evidence that fraud is being committed. Do not send any supporting evidence along with the form.

If you think an organisation is committing fraud with public funds, complete the Report fraud (for an organisation) form (‘Melden fraude bedrijven’).

You can use the comments section in the form to provide supporting evidence that fraud has been committed. Do not send any supporting evidence along with the form.

If you would like to talk to an UWV staff member about a case of fraud, you can call 0800 - 830 08 30. Calls are free and anonymous. UWV will look into the information you have provided. However, the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), prevents us from being able to share the outcome of the investigation with you.