To make a freedom of information request, complete the Freedom of information request form (‘Indienen Woo-verzoek’). Please only make a freedom of information request if the information you are looking for has not been published yet.
Describe the documents and information you are looking for as precisely as possible. We will contact you if anything is unclear. If you submit quite a large or unclear request, you will be invited for an intake meeting.
Our Woo contact person will help you if you are having trouble with your freedom of information request. They can also help you if you are unable to find an UWV document. To contact our Woo contact person, send an email to: Make sure you specify when you can be reached by phone.
We only keep information private if we have very good reasons for doing so. For example, we might refuse access to information in the following types of situations:
- To protect the privacy of staff members or clients.
- To prevent information from being misused.
You can expect a decision about your request within 4 weeks. If we are not able to come to a decision within that time, we will tell you we need an additional 2 weeks. If you have requested a lot of documents, we might ask you if you would be happy to receive this information in instalments.