• If they were reported sick at 42 weeks (‘42e-weeksmelding) and before the start of their paid maternity leave.
  • If they were ill for the duration of their paid maternity leave, including the day before and after.
  • If they were ill with the same illness that is not related to pregnancy or childbirth.

To report that your employee has an ongoing illness, go to the employer portal (‘UWV werkgeversportaal’), and complete the form Reporting an ongoing illness before and after paid maternity leave. Do this by logging on with your eHerkenning account.

  • your payroll tax number (‘loonheffingsnummer’)
  • your employee’s contact details and citizen service number (‘BSN’)
  • your occupational health and safety service (‘arbodienst’) contact person’s name, e-mail address and telephone number

Please send us the completed form on the first working day after your employee’s paid maternity leave has ended.

If your employee is still unfit for work after 88 weeks, they will receive a letter from us with instructions on how to apply for the WIA benefit.