To qualify for compensation, your employee will have to be working for you for at least 6 months.

Keep in mind we will only compensate you for the following types of expenses:

  • adjustments to your employee’s workstation
  • disability equipment that cannot be transported 
  • adjustments to the building

Please note: If an employee has been sent to your organisation on a temporary assignment (‘detachering’), you might still qualify for compensation.

To apply for compensation, complete the Compensation application form for disability support (‘Aanvraag vergoeding voorziening werkgever’). Once you have completed and signed the form, send it to the address included on the form.

Make sure you have our approval before making any workplace adjustments or buying disability equipment. This is important as we have entered into agreements with specific suppliers and can only buy equipment from these suppliers. If you buy equipment from a different supplier, we will not be able to compensate you for this.

Your employee might require services or equipment that are easy to transport such as orthopaedic shoes, a disability chair or a sign language interpreter. If this is the case, your employee will need to apply for compensation for these expenses themselves. You cannot do this on their behalf.

We will evaluate your application to check the adjustments you are planning to make are really necessary. Your employee will therefore be invited to an evaluation with one of our physicians as well as an occupational disability employment counsellor.

You will not be compensated for adjustments that can be used by people without a disability as well. For example, if you install an adapted toilet in the building, you will not receive compensation for this.

Keep in mind that some adjustments, such as installing a lift, could increase the value of your building or business. If this is the case, you might be entitled to less compensation.

Once you have sent us the form, you will receive a decision within 8 weeks. If we approve your application, we will order the disability equipment for you. Or, we will tell you which supplier to order it from.