We need to know how much you earn from your business. Every year, we receive details of your annual results from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (‘de Belastingdienst’). Sometimes we need additional information from you to know whether we have paid you too much or too little benefit.
If you receive a letter from us, you must check whether you need to Report additional information on your annual results ('Doorgeven aanvullende informatie bij uw jaarcijfers'). To access the form, log in to Mijn UWV. You will need a DigiD account or an electronic ID (eiD) to do this.
Please note: If none of the situations listed on the form apply to you, you do not need to fill it out.
When you fill out the form you will be asked for your citizen service number (BSN).
We will confirm that we have received your additional information within 4 weeks.
If you need more information please call us. Keep your citizen service number close to hand so we can help you quickly and efficiently.