UWV supports people in retaining or finding work. If that is not possible, we provide them with benefits. We look at their personal situation – including their health and labour prospects – and use a customised approach where necessary. We refer to that as: working with a human touch. We support employers in respect of work and income and reintegration. We share our extensive knowledge of labour and health with professionals and academics. We apply a data-driven approach where necessary.

People are at their best when they can participate in society through work. It is our mission to work with our partners to make a difference for people by promoting working. But those who cannot work, are just as much a part of society. We support them in finding suitable work. If that is not possible, we replace their income.

We are an organisation of people for people and we work together to create a society in which everyone can participate. Together as colleagues, together as UWV, together with our chain partners in the area of work and income, and above all, together with the people who use our services.

The resources we deploy as an autonomous administrative authority (ZBO) come from that same society. That is why we not only have a responsibility towards clients and employers, but to the rest of the Netherlands too. We ensure that resources are applied correctly and that rules are observed. That is how we achieve our goal: a society in which as many people as possible participate.

UWV's 2021-2025 strategy fleshes out UWV's purpose further: a society in which everyone participates. The strategy is ambitious and demands considerable effort from our organisation. We are confident our employees will do a good job of this. We always use the goals for 2025 as the point of departure in our actions; an ambition that is solid.

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